I burned white sage and cleansed the yoga room. I also cleansed myself with small smudge.

Smudging = the act of burning herbs to purify negative energy
Sage = is for healing & used to 'wash off' the outside world
Crystals & Stones = promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing by positively interacting with your body's energy field. can be placed on your body to purify and balance the chakras, releasing all the negativity and resulting to emotional release. they can transform negative energies into positive energies and lead to good health.

Charkas = energy centers along your spine that promote health by maximizing the flow of energy in the body.
Meditation = process of quieting the mind by eliminate negative thoughts, worries, anxiety, and all factors that can prevent us feeling happy in order to spend time in thought for relaxation.
Yoga = the dance between the body and the mind and the spirit
The prayer I said for the room was;
"Smoke of Air
And Fire And Earth,
Cleanse And Bless
This Home And Hearth
Drive Away
All Harm And Fear
Only Good May Enter Here"
The prayer I said for myself was;
"Into this smoke,
I release all energies that do not serve me,
all negativity that surrounds me,
and all fears that limit me.
So it is."
These are my stones and crystals. I'm pretty proud of my starter collection.

(Top Half)
Left to Right, Crystals:
Raw Rose Quartz
Pyrite Cluster
Clear Crystal Quartz Obelisk
Amethyst Cluster Chunk
Crystal Geode
Citrine Cluster
(Bottom Half)
Left to Right, Stones:
Lapis Lazuli
Blue Aventurine
Green Aventurine
Yellow Aventurine
Orange/Peach Aventurine
Red Jasper